REITs vs. Stocks: Which Will Supercharge Your Wealth?

Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs) and stocks are two different investment options that allow investors opportunities to grow their wealth.

REITs are companies that own, operate, or finance income-generating real estate properties. They allow investors to invest in the real estate market without needing to directly own and manage properties.

REITs are mandated by law to distribute a significant part of their income as dividends to shareholders. This requirement makes them an appealing option for income-seeking investors.

On the other hand, stocks represent ownership in companies. When investors buy stocks, they become part owners of the company. They have the potential to profit from the company’s growth and income through capital gain and dividends.

Both REITs and stocks offer distinctive benefits and risks. So, both options cater to different investment objectives and risk tolerances. Understanding the differences between these investment choices is vital for investors to make educated decisions that align with their investment goals. 

In this blog post, we will go in-depth into the pros and cons of REITs compared to stocks. We will concentrate on their potential to help investors with high return expectations to grow their wealth.

REITs and Their Purpose in The Real Estate Market

REITs are specialized companies that own, operate, or finance income-producing real estate assets. They were established in the United States in 1960 as a way to let individual investors access the benefits of real estate ownership without having to directly own and manage properties themselves. Other countries also introduced them sooner or later. They started emerging in the Australian market in the early 1970s for example.

The primary purpose of REITs in the real estate market is to pool money from many investors to invest in a diversified portfolio of properties. These properties can include residential apartments, commercial buildings, shopping malls, data centers, industrial facilities, and other income-producing real estate assets.

By doing so, REITs provide an option for investors to participate in the likely appreciation of real estate values and earn regular income in the form of dividends/distributions.

To qualify as a REIT, a company must meet the requirements outlined by law. One of the main requirements is that at least 90% of the company’s taxable income must be distributed as dividends to its shareholders. This characteristic makes REITs quite appealing to income-seeking investors. This is because they often offer higher dividend yields compared to conventional stocks.

By offering a liquid and transparent investment option for owning real estate assets, REITs play a critical role in the real estate market’s efficiency and accessibility.

They also provide a route for diversification, since investors can gain exposure to diverse sectors and geographic locations within the real estate industry through a single REIT investment.

Overall, REITs act as a strong tool for both individual and institutional investors to participate in the real estate market’s potential for income and capital gain while enjoying the advantages of professional management and liquidity.

How is the Dividend Payout?

REITs have specific regulatory requirements, which need them to distribute a significant portion of their income to shareholders. By law, REITs must pay out at least 90% of their taxable income as dividends. This unique characteristic sets them apart from other conventional companies, making them an appealing investment option for income-seeking investors.

The 90% income distribution rule guarantees that a significant part of the rental income generated from the properties held by the REITs flows straight to the investors. This can lead to attractive dividends for shareholders. As it allows them to profit from the regular cash flows generated by the real estate assets kept within the REIT’s portfolio.

For investors aspiring for a steady income and a source of passive cash flow, investing in high-quality dividend-paying REITs can be an attractive option. The constant dividend payments from REITs can serve as a dependable source of payment. This is especially true in times when other investment sources may face volatility or uncertainty.

It’s essential to note that while the high dividend payouts have a powerful appeal for income-seeking investors, this feature may come with some trade-offs. Because REITs are mandated to distribute a large share of their income, they may have less internal capital available for reinvestment in growth or expansion options. This can affect the prospect of capital appreciation compared to growth-oriented companies that retain a larger share of their earnings for reinvestment and business expansion.

Furthermore, the dividends from REITs are taxed as ordinary income. This means they may be subject to higher tax rates than qualified dividends from stocks. However, the dividends payout are not subject to corporate income tax. This can make them more tax-efficient for some investors, such as those in lower tax brackets.

In conclusion, the 90% income distribution rule makes REITs an attractive choice for investors seeking high dividend payouts and a dependable passive income. However, investors should carefully evaluate their investment goals, risk tolerance, and tax situation before allotting funds to REITs to ensure that they align with their overall investment strategy.

How have REITs Performed Historically?

Over the years, REITs have demonstrated solid historical total returns, often outperforming the broader stock market such as S&P 500 index. 

Nareit, the National Association of Real Estate Investment Trusts, is a top authority on REITs. They conduct extensive research and share valuable insights into the performance of REITs. According to their historical data, REITs have shown solid returns over the years, driven by capital appreciation and dividend income.

For instance, Nareit’s 2021 data demonstrated that equity REITs, on average, delivered a total return of around 12.7% annually over the last 20 years. This return surpassed the annual total return of 9.5% for the S&P 500 during the same period.

As with any investment, historical performance does not guarantee future result. But knowing the historical performance of REITs can help investors make knowledgeable decisions about their investment plans.

Are REITs Volatile?

REITs have a reputation for being less volatile than individual stocks, making them an attractive choice for investors seeking a more stable investment. 

Beta Comparison: Beta is a measure of an asset’s sensitivity to market movements. A beta of less than 1 means that the asset tends to be less volatile than the market. A beta greater than 1 indicates higher volatility.

REITs typically have betas lower than 1, suggesting that they have historically shown lower price fluctuations compared to the overall stock market. On the other hand, individual stocks often have betas greater than 1, making them more volatile in reaction to market movements.

It’s necessary to note that while REITs typically display lower volatility compared to individual stocks, they are not completely immune to market fluctuations. Different types of REITs and real estate sectors can encounter varying levels of volatility based on factors like interest rates, economic conditions, and geographical locations.

Do REITs Offer Diversification Benefits?

While REIT in itself is a diversified option compared to direct real estate ownership, investing in REITs through exchange-traded funds (ETFs) like SCHH, USRT, or VNQ can offer additional diversification benefits across various real estate sectors and companies. These ETFs are designed to track the performance of a broad range of REITs, offering investors exposure to a diversified portfolio of real estate assets.

Here’s how this diversification works:

1. Multiple Real Estate Sectors

REIT ETFs generally have a wide variety of real estate sectors, such as residential, commercial, industrial, retail, healthcare, etc. Each sector has its unique characteristics and reacts differently to economic and market situations. By investing in a REIT ETF, investors gain exposure to all these different sectors, lessening the impact of a downturn in any specific sector.

2. Geographical Diversification

Many REIT ETFs invest in real estate companies across various geographical regions. This geographical diversification helps reduce risk by limiting the impact of regional economic instabilities. For example, a REIT ETF may own real estate properties in many states or even many countries, mitigating the risk of a localized economic slowdown.

3. Liquidity and Accessibility

Investing in individual REITs can sometimes be difficult due to limited liquidity or minimum investment requirements. REIT ETFs, on the other hand, offer high liquidity, making it easy for investors to buy and sell shares on the stock exchange. Additionally, ETFs normally have lower investment minimums, making them available to a wider range of investors.

4. Risk Diversification

While REITs can be less volatile than individual stocks, they still carry specific risks associated with the real estate companies, such as interest rate fluctuations, property vacancies, and regulatory changes. By investing in a diversified REIT ETF, investors spread these risks across multiple holdings, lessening the consequence of any single negative event on the overall portfolio.

5. Low-Cost Diversification

Investing in numerous individual REITs can lead to higher transaction costs and administrative overhead. REIT ETFs offer an efficient and cost-effective way to acquire exposure to a diversified real estate portfolio. They normally have lower expense ratios compared to active mutual funds, making them an appealing option for cost-conscious investors.


In summary, investing in REITs through ETFs like SCHH, USRT, or VNQ can offer investors a well-diversified portfolio of real estate assets across multiple sectors and geographical regions.

This diversification helps ease the impact of individual risks and market fluctuations, making REIT ETFs an appealing option for those aspiring for exposure to the real estate market with lower risk and higher liquidity.

What are The Tax Implications of REITs?

Investing in REITs has unique tax implications compared to investing in other types of assets. REITs are structured in a way that allows them to pass on the majority of their taxable income to investors, which can offer tax advantages for certain investors.

Here’s how the tax efficiency of REITs works and how it can benefit investors:

1. Ordinary Income Tax

The dividends received from REITs are classified as ordinary income and are subject to the investor’s ordinary income tax rates. This means that the income tax rate on REIT dividends could be higher than qualified dividends from stocks.

2. Qualified Dividends

While most REIT dividends are deemed ordinary income, a small portion of REIT dividends may qualify as qualified dividends if the REIT meets specific criteria. Qualified dividends are qualified for preferential tax rates, which are normally lower than ordinary tax rates. However, the bulk of REIT dividends do not qualify for this lower tax rate.

3. Return of Capital

REITs may also distribute a part of their dividends as a return of capital, which is not directly taxable. Instead, it lowers the investor’s cost basis in the investment. When the investor finally sells the REIT shares, the return of capital amount is subject to capital gains tax.

4. Capital Gains Tax

When an investor sells REIT shares, any capital appreciation realized from the sale is subject to capital gains tax. The tax rate on capital gains depends on whether the gains are short-term (held for one year or less) or long-term (held for more than one year) and the investor’s tax bracket.

5. Tax-Deferred Accounts

Investing in REITs within tax-advantaged accounts like Individual Retirement Accounts (IRAs) or 401(k)s in the USA or Super in Australia can offer tax deferral advantages. The dividends and capital gains earned within these accounts are not immediately taxable, allowing for tax-free growth until funds are drawn in retirement. If you plan your withdrawal carefully in retirement, you can enjoy tax-free benefits.

6. Unrelated Business Income Tax (UBIT)

In some cases, if a tax-exempt entity, such as a retirement plan or endowment, invests in REITs, it may be subject to Unrelated Business Income Tax (UBIT) on a percentage of the REIT dividends. This tax applies to particular types of income earned by tax-exempt organizations from activities not related to their tax-exempt purpose.

Final Tax Considerations

It’s essential to note that tax laws and regulations differ by country and jurisdiction, and the tax treatment of REITs may vary accordingly. Additionally, tax implications can be complicated, especially for investors holding REITs in tax-advantaged accounts or for those subject to specific tax situations.

However, for most people key considerations are 

  • Almost all of the REIT income will be taxed as ordinary income i.e. will be taxed at marginal tax rate.
  • Due to higher dividend payout, REITs will have lower capital gains as compared to stocks. So, will not benefit from preferential treatment of long-term capital gain tax.
  • REITs do not pay corporate tax which means more money left to be paid out to investors.

Sensitivity to Interest Rates

REITs are sensitive to changes in interest rates, and changes in interest rates can have a substantial influence on their performance. The relationship between REITs and interest rates is important for investors to understand when considering these investments.

Here’s how decreasing interest rates can impact REITs:

  1. Borrowing Costs: REITs often depend on debt to fund the acquisition and development of their real estate properties. When interest rates are low, borrowing costs for REITs drop, letting them access capital more cheaply. This can lead to increased property acquisitions and growth, potentially increasing the performance of the REIT.
  2. Property Valuations: Low-interest rates can have a favorable effect on property valuations. As interest rates fall, the present value of future cash flows from real estate assets increases. This tends to drive up property prices, potentially enhancing the net asset value (NAV) of the REIT’s portfolio.
  3. Dividend Yield Competition: REITs are usually considered income-producing investments due to their high dividend payouts. When interest rates are down, the yield on other income-generating investments, such as bonds or fixed deposits, also tends to be low. In this case, REITs may appear more appealing to investors seeking higher income, pushing demand and potentially boosting their share prices.

However, on the flip side, increasing interest rates can negatively impact REITs in the following ways:

  1. Increased Borrowing Costs: When interest rates increase, borrowing costs for REITs rise. Higher financing costs can curb the REIT’s capacity to finance new projects or refinance existing debt, potentially restricting growth prospects.
  2. Impact on Property Demand: Higher interest rates can lead to diminished demand for real estate, as borrowing becomes more costly for individuals and businesses. This diminished demand can affect property valuation, occupancy rates and rental income for the REIT’s properties.
  3. Competition from Fixed-Income Investments: Growing interest rates can make fixed-income investments, such as bonds, more attractive to investors seeking regular income with low risk. As a result, investors may move their funds away from REITs, leading to a potential drop in their share prices.

It’s critical to note that while interest rates play an important role in influencing REITs, other elements such as economic conditions, supply and demand dynamics in the real estate market, and overall market sentiment also influence their performance.

As such, REITs may not always move in sync with interest rate changes, and their performance can differ based on multiple market factors.

In conclusion, REITs are certainly sensitive to shifts in interest rates. Investors should carefully consider the prevailing interest rate conditions and the likely influence on REITs when making investment decisions. A well-diversified portfolio that has a mix of asset classes can help mitigate risks associated with interest rate changes and other market variables.

Impact of Various Market Conditions

Real estate market conditions play a crucial role in impacting the value of REITs. The performance of REITs is closely linked to the health and dynamics of the real estate market.

Here’s how market conditions can influence the value of REITs:

1. Property Demand and Occupancy Rates

The demand for real estate properties, such as residential apartments, office spaces, retail centers, and industrial facilities, directly impacts the occupancy rates and rental income of the properties held by REITs.

During times of high demand and low vacancies, REITs can encounter increased rental income, leading to higher cash flows and potentially increasing their share prices.

Contrarily, in a weak real estate market with lower demand, REITs may face challenges with filling vacancies and preserving rental income.

2. Rental Rates and Lease Terms

Market conditions can impact rental rates and lease terms for real estate properties.

In a healthy real estate market with high demand, REITs can seek favorable lease agreements and raise rental rates, enhancing their income streams.

Conversely, in a weaker market, tenants may have more negotiating power, leading to lower rental rates and potentially impacting the cash flow of REITs.

3. Property Valuations

Real estate market conditions can impact the valuations of properties owned by REITs.

During a strong market, property values tend to rise, leading to a rise in the net asset value (NAV) of the REIT’s portfolio. A higher NAV can positively impact the share price of the REIT.

Contrarily, in a declining market, property values may decline, which could hurt the REIT’s portfolio value and share price.

4. Interest Rates

As mentioned earlier, interest rates can affect the performance of REITs. Changes in interest rates impact borrowing costs, property valuations, and demand for real estate.

For example, growing interest rates can increase financing costs for REITs and impact their ability to finance new projects or refinance debt.

5. Economic Conditions

The overall economic condition and macroeconomic aspects also impact the real estate market and, hence, the performance of REITs.

During economic downturns, demand for real estate may decline, leading to lowered rental income and occupancy rates for REITs.

Conversely, during times of economic expansion, the real estate market may prosper, benefiting REITs with rising property demand and rental income.

6. Supply and Demand Dynamics

Real estate market conditions are impacted by supply and demand dynamics.

An oversupply of particular property types in a market can lead to reduced rental rates and occupancy levels for REITs operating in that segment.

On the other hand, an undersupply of properties can lead to boosted demand and potentially higher rental income for REITs.


In conclusion, real estate market conditions have a significant influence on the value and performance of REITs.

Investors considering REITs should closely watch the prevailing market conditions, economic indicators, and other relevant aspects to make educated investment decisions that align with their risk tolerance and investment goals.

Characteristics: REITs vs Stocks

Comparing the attributes of REITs and stocks in terms of risk, return potential, and long-term growth possibilities can help investors make educated decisions based on their investment goals and risk tolerance.

Here’s a comparison of these two investment options:


  • REITs: Normally, REITs are considered to be lower risk compared to individual stocks. Their risk profile is more aligned with the real estate market, which tends to be less volatile than the stock market. REITs derive a substantial part of their income from rental properties, providing a steady source of cash flow. However, they are not immune to real estate market shifts, interest rate changes, and other economic aspects that can affect property values and occupancy rates.
  • Stocks: Individual stocks can have higher volatility than REITs. The stock market is impacted by a wide range of aspects, including economic conditions, company performance, industry trends, and geopolitical circumstances. The price of a single stock can be subject to sharp changes, and some stocks may even encounter a total loss in value.

Return Potential

  • REITs: Historically, REITs have delivered competitive total returns. Their potential for income generation through high dividend payouts makes them appealing to income-seeking investors. Further, the capital gain of the underlying real estate assets can contribute to total returns over the long term.
  • Stocks: Stocks have the potential for significant capital appreciation, particularly for growth-oriented firms that attain considerable market success. While some stocks pay dividends, many growth-focused businesses reinvest their profits for expansion, potentially boosting the stock’s value.

Long-Term Growth Prospects:

  • REITs: Long-term growth prospects for REITs are closely linked to the performance of the real estate market. Demand for real estate can be affected by population growth, economic situations, and urbanization trends. REITs that strategically invest in properties with growth potential may benefit from growing property values and rental income.
  • Stocks: The long-term growth potentials of individual stocks depend on many factors, including the business’s industry, competitive advantage, management team, and innovation. Successful businesses with strong market positions and growth prospects have the capacity for significant long-term growth.

Categories of REITs

REITs can be classified into different types based on their main business activities. The three main types of REITs are:

1. Equity REITs

Equity REITs are the most familiar type of REITs. These REITs invest in and own income-producing real estate properties. The main source of income for equity REITs comes from renting, leasing, or selling the properties they own and operate.

The properties in which equity REITs invest can contain residential apartments, commercial office buildings, shopping centers, industrial facilities, hotels, and other real estate assets.

Equity REITs generate income from rental payments and capital appreciation of the properties in their portfolio. They normally distribute a substantial part of their income to shareholders in the form of dividends.

Example: Simon Property Group, Inc. (Ticker: SPG)


  • Focus: Simon Property Group is one of the largest publicly traded retail-focused equity REITs. It holds and operates a diverse portfolio of shopping malls, premium outlets, and retail properties.
  • Income Source: Simon generates income mainly from rental revenue collected from its retail tenants. As a retail-focused equity REIT, the performance of Simon Property Group is impacted by consumer spending, retail trends, and occupancy rates in its shopping centers.
  • Dividend Profile: Equity REITs like Simon Property Group generally distribute a significant portion of their income to shareholders in the form of dividends. The dividend yield of this equity REIT can differ based on aspects such as occupancy rates, and market conditions.

2. Mortgage REITs

Mortgage REITs, also known as mREITs, focus on the mortgage side of the real estate market. Instead of owning physical properties, mortgage REITs invest in real estate loans, such as residential or commercial mortgages, mortgage-backed securities (MBS), and other real estate-related loans.

These REITs earn income from the interest and fees generated from the mortgage loans they carry in their portfolios.

The performance of mortgage REITs is closely linked to interest rates and the performance of the underlying mortgage assets. As interest rates fluctuate, the worth of the mortgage assets and the income produced by mortgage REITs can adjust accordingly.

Mortgage REITs may have higher dividend yields than equity REITs due to interest income, but they can also have higher risk and volatility.

Example: Annaly Capital Management, Inc. (Ticker: NLY)


  • Focus: Annaly Capital Management is a mortgage REIT that primarily invests in asset-backed securities and other real estate-related loans. It does not own physical properties but instead concentrates on real estate debt assets.
  • Income Source: Mortgage REITs like Annaly generate income from interest and fees made on the mortgage loans they hold in their portfolios. The income is derived from the spread between the interest they make on their mortgage assets and the cost of borrowing to finance their investments.
  • Interest Rate Sensitivity: Mortgage REITs are highly sensitive to shifts in interest rates. As interest rates rise, the value of their existing fixed mortgage assets may decline, impacting their profitability and ability to generate earnings.

Hybrid REITs

Hybrid REITs, as the name implies, are a mix of both equity REITs and mortgage REITs. These REITs invest in both physical properties and real estate loan instruments. Hybrid REITs aim to balance the income generated from rental properties with interest income from mortgage assets.

By diversifying across both equity and mortgage segments, hybrid REITs seek to lower risk and improve overall portfolio performance. This diversification can deliver stability from rental income while also capitalizing on interest income.

Hybrid REITs are generally rare and even if a REIT is diversified across Equity and Mortgage (hence technically qualifying as Hybrid), they generate most of their revenue from either Equity or Mortgage. For example, iStar Inc (iStar) is a hybrid REIT that drives most of the revenue from loans and debt securities (Mortgage). 

Final Words

It is essential to reiterate that there is no one-size-fits-all answer to whether REITs are a better means to grow wealth than stocks. Both REITs and stocks have their distinctive advantages and disadvantages, and the best option relies on individual preferences, risk tolerance, and investment objectives.


  • REITs can provide a stable stream of income through high dividend payouts, making them appealing to income-seeking investors.
  • Historically, REITs have delivered competitive total returns and have outperformed the S&P 500 in terms of total return over certain periods.
  • REITs are generally considered lower risk than individual stocks due to their exposure to real estate assets with steady income streams.
  • Investing in REITs through ETFs can offer diversification across various real estate sectors, lowering exposure to individual property risks.


  • Stocks have the prospect for higher capital appreciation, particularly for growth-focused companies with thriving market performance.
  • Some individual stocks have produced exceptional returns, offering the chance of substantial wealth creation for early investors.
  • The stock market can be more volatile, but for investors ready to take on higher risk, stocks can provide opportunities for significant gains.

Which One to Choose?

For most investors, a balanced strategy that incorporates both REITs and stocks in an investment portfolio might be prudent. This diversification allows investors to profit from the income generation and stability of REITs while also capitalizing on the growth potential of the stock market.

A well-diversified portfolio that aligns with individual financial objectives and risk appetite can help investors maximize their potential for long-term wealth creation while managing risk effectively.

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