A website has a backbone, and it needs to be strong. A website’s backbone is called technical SEO. Technical SEO is basically the structure of your website. Without a strong structure, nothing will come good out of it.
Why Technical SEO is Important?
Let me give you a scenario. Imagine you have written an amazing piece of content, and it has very helpful, relevant content that your target audience will like.
In fact, it is premium content that people can pay a lot of money to read if you were to offer it on your membership site. Millions are looking forward to reading your content.
Then once that time comes, and your customers are excited to see your content, your site takes over 8 seconds to load. And as you know, every second your page takes to load, you lose readers and your bounce rate increases.
Irrespective of how great your piece of content is or how helpful it is, you will not gain optimal benefits because rather than losing quality traffic you could have converted it into leads or sales.
This is just an example of why technical SEO is important. Without it, even aggressive on-page SEO and off-page SEO strategies will matter less.
That’s why we are going to discuss the benefits of technical SEO so that you can understand more about its importance.
6 Benefits of Technical SEO for Your Business
1. Increased Mobile Traffic
Mobile phones are prominent today, and virtually anybody with a smartphone is using them to access the web. This means you have no option other than making your site mobile-friendly to ensure your site runs effectively on different sizes of displays.
Technical SEO ensures that your site is mobile-friendly. Failure to make it mobile-friendly will end up missing out on prospective customers using mobile devices. Customers will not scroll your site if it is too large or too small for their screen.
In addition to this, Google will penalize you for lacking a mobile-optimized website, which means your ranking will suffer. Therefore, you have to rely on technical SEO to ensure your site is mobile-optimized so as to get more traffic from mobile phone users.
2. Better Ranking and More Traffic
Nothing bothers readers more than site errors. It indicates carelessness and idleness on the side of the site owner. Some of the common site errors include missing pages, broken links, and incorrect redirects.
Technical SEO can help you to identify these soft, irritating errors adequately. In most cases, when a visitor encounters any of these errors, they immediately bounce back and look elsewhere. This not only makes you miss out on your potential customers but also dents your site’s ranking due to an increase in the bounce-back rate.
Therefore, you should avoid site errors by focusing on technical search engine optimization. In doing so, you will get more visitors, and your ranking will improve.
And to remind you, site speed is one of the factors that Google uses in its algorithm when determining which pages to rank higher than others. When rectified, you will notice an increase in site ranking.
3. Better User Experience
In today’s digital world, consumers are very impatient and would want their questions to be promptly answered. Very few people will wait for your web page to load to read your content. In fact, Google research shows that 53% of people will abandon a web page if it takes longer than three seconds to load.

With that said, a fast-loading web page is a must if you want to keep your visitors glued to your site as it improves user experience.
The simpler, faster, and easier it is to access your content, the more appealing it will be to your viewers. One of the causes of slow-loading web pages is poor site structure, and technical SEO can help rectify this and make your pages load faster.
4. Improves Your Brand Image
A site with disfigured or blurry images looks unattractive. Visual content is crucial not only because it makes your content look appealing but also because of on-page SEO. If your website falls short in this area, your viewers will definitely notice, and this will not paint a good image of your brand.
Poor photo usage or failure to optimize images can also slow down your page load time and also makes it harder for people who are viewing your website on different mobile devices.
Therefore, by helping you rectify blurry visuals, you will look more professional.
5. Helps to Boost Your Site Security
With the increased cases of cyber threats, it is important that you take all the necessary security measures, and technical SEO offers a helping hand in ensuring your site is safe from threats. Google gives a warning to its users in case your site is potentially unsafe. This means you will quickly lose out on precious traffic as nobody will want to visit an unsafe website.
Technical SEO ensures your website is secured using HTTPS encryption. With this encryption, your pages will be less likely to get flagged. This is another major benefit of technical SEO.
6. Helps You Escape Google Penalties
Technical SEO can help you easily identify plagiarized content and thus avoid Google penalties. If your web page content has been stolen, you can identify this easily. What’s more, you can spot copied material on your site as well before Google bots spot it.
It is very unprofessional for your users to find your web content looking similar to that of another site. Fortunately, technical SEO can help you to avoid this.
Bottom Line
SEO comprises three aspects, and technical SEO is the most vital of the three. Although on-page and off-page SEO keeps getting updates, the frequency of changes for technical SEO is lower.
After all, search engines will never embrace slower loading speeds, insecure sites, or duplicate content. If anything, the standards will go even higher than how they are at the moment since these are crucial things.
The above benefits show why technical SEO is important. No matter how much you work on your on-page and off-page SEO, if your site’s technical structure is horrible, then you will not reap the benefits of online marketing.